Founded in 2019, Impulso first worked with cities in areas such as health, education and social welfare to solve a recurrent problem: massive databases are generated in the provision of public services, but it too often remains unused despite its potential to guide critical policy.
When the Covid-19 pandemic started, local governments focused all efforts to manage the effects of the sanitary crisis. Given the scenario, we decided to focus our work on public health, in a way to help the government officials in their response to the pandemic.
As we understood the real needs Brazilian municipalities faced when it came to public health during the pandemic, in 2021, we expanded our range of work with the development of digital solutions for public officials from SUS within two areas: Primary Healthcare and Mental Healthcare.
We want to make sure that no one in Brazil suffers or loses their life for issues that effective public policies could have avoided. We work supporting local governments so that all public health care workers have access to the information they need to act in a preventive and resolutive way. To make this possible, we offer freely-available data-driven solutions that facilitate the decision-making turning high-quality data into action.
We want to make change for the good in the life of people through public policy: that is our definition of success. And we know this is not easy. From understanding each detail of a program to delivering the proper solutions, we prioritize the urgent challenges and make all the effort to deliver high-quality services.
We break big problems down into tasks that are feasible with practical solutions and great impact. We use data and technology to make our solutions accessible for as many people as possible.
We encourage people to ask questions because we believe questions lead to solutions. Meanwhile, we act: we don’t wait for all the answers to come in order to act, because some answers come with action.
We have a culture that lies on feedback to make the best from our collaborative work. We dedicate ourselves to supporting the ones among us who need help; We carefully listen to what each one has to say; We value the opinions and emotions of the ones around us;
We make our community strong and diverse because big challenges demand the best teams with diversified points of view. We invest time in hiring the most talented and grittiest people and we invest in their development.
Isabel Opice
Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer at ImpulsoGov. Masters in International Development at Harvard University; Worked in the São Paulo State Government and in the Ayrton Senna Institute
João Abreu
Co-founder and executive-director at ImpulsoGov. Masters in International Development at Harvard University; Worked in the São Paulo City Hall and in the Harvard Government Performance Lab.
Pedro Drummond
Product Director at ImpulsoGov. He has a Production Engineering degree from UFMG, was Product and Marketing Director at the Brazilian game start-up Wildlife Studios and had experience in Gradus and Accenture management consultancies.
Victor Souza
Technology Director at ImpulsoGov. Graduated in Computer Science from UNESP, with experience in strategy and technology consulting at McKinsey & Company and Accenture.
Denis Mizne
CEO at Lemann Foundation
Giovanni Salum
Senior Director of Global Programs at the Child Mind Institute.
Joice Toyota
Executive Director at Motriz
Márcia Castro
Head of the Department of Global Health and Population at Harvard University’s School of Public Health
Paulo Chapchap
Medical Director of the Institute for Health Policy Studies (IEPS)
Vitor Olivier
CTO at Nubank
Ricardo Vieira
Portfolio Manager at VBI Real Estate
Eduardo Azevedo
Innovation Specialist at BID
Maíra Madrid
Director at SP Parcerias
Adailton Lopes
Payment Programs Manager at Amazon
Maira Machado
Microcredit Manager at Itaú
Rogiene Batista dos Santos
Fundação Getúlio Vargas
Alexsandro Santos
Data Engineering Specialist
Amanda Almeida
Project Coordinator
Ana Paula Sales
Communication Analyst
Beatriz Patrício
Project Analyst
Bernardo Baron
Planning, Monitoring, and Impact Evaluation Specialist
Bruna Fernandes
Data Engineer
Camila Catalano
IT Support Consultant
Carla Fernandes
Product Designer
Carol Braga
Project Analyst
Daniela Krausz
Mental Health Leader
Danilo Neves
Software Engineer
Denise Magalhães
Public Health Consultant
Emília Felix
Communication Analyst
Erick Mazer
Design Consultant
Fernanda Soares
Project Analyst
Gabriela Galdino
Process Assistant
Gabrielle Akemi
People and Culture Coordinator
Gabrielle Arruda
Product Manager
Gessika Cavalcante
Public Health Analyst
Gil Sant'Anna
Product Leader
Glória Ribeiro
Project Analyst
Helena Alves
Data Analysis Manager
Iara Batista
Internal Management Analyst
Isabela dos Santos
Project Analyst
Isabella Matos
Product Designer
João Vittor
Development Intern
Juliana Ramalho
Public Health and Project Manager
Krislaine Kuchenbecker
Institutional Communication Consultant
Leidiane Alves
Data Analyst
Letícia Aparecida
People and Culture Analyst
Ludmylla Reis
Process Assistant
Lumi Shine
Process Assistant
Maíra Ottoni
Data Engineer
Mairla Protazio
Project Analyst
Mariana Macedo
Public Health Analyst
Marília Mugnol
Product Specialist
Mayara Matos
Institutional Relations Analyst
Murilo Celli
Project Specialist
Nathalia Ribeiro
Project Consultant
Nina Palermo
Institutional Relations Manager
Rachel Bedatt
Public Health Analyst
Raphaela Ramos
Institutional Communication Analyst
Roberta Thompson
Product Designer
Samara Izidoro
Institutional Communication Intern
Tainá Santana
Software Engineer
Walter Damasceno
Data Engineer
Yan Cantuaria
Product Manager