Logo Impulso EN

We want to make the Brazilian government funded public health system the best in the world. We believe in the smart use of data and technology as a way to pursue this goal. We work so that all public health professionals have access to the information and tools they need to act in a resolute and preventive way.

To make this happen, we team up with healthcare professionals and local government officials to create freely available data-driven solutions that strengthen and facilitate the collection and use of data to inform government action. This way, we support the improvement of SUS’s primary healthcare and mental health care services.

+150 municipalities already directly supported, where over 11 million people rely on SUS services

We Measure

We transform raw data into useful information for SUS’s officials to better understand scenarios and decrease threats to public health security.

We Display

We make information accessible and uncomplicated with infographics that ease the work of those in the frontline of decision-making regarding public health.

We Act

We suggest and guide officials to make evidence-based decisions to improve healthcare services of SUS, increasing quality of life for all Brazilian citizens.

Our mission is to leverage the smart use of data and technology on the Brazilian public health system so that all people in the country have access to high-quality healthcare services.

  • Folha de S. Paulo
  • MIT Under35
  • Forbes
  • Folha de S. Paulo
  • Valor Econômico
  • Fundo Aliança
  • Instituto Insper
  • Nexo
Logo Folha de São Paulo 2
Folha de S. Paulo

Organizations Reduce Mortality in Pregnant Women in Brazil

Logo Under35
MIT Under35

Co-founder of ImpulsoGov is elected one of the most innovative young people in Latin America by MIT

Logo Forbes

Brazilian health-tech uses technology to boost the reach of SUS

Logo Folha de São Paulo.
Folha de S. Paulo

What if we really take public health data into consideration? - Article

Logo Valor.
Valor Econômico

Initiative organizes the data about mental health care in Aracaju

Logo Fundo Aliança.
Fundo Aliança

Fundo Aliança Prize "Chamada Fundo Aliança"

Logo Instituto Insper.
Instituto Insper

Innovation in Times of Crisis, Insper Prize

Logo NEXO.

How the data about the COVID-19 pandemic was collected and processed in Brazil?

  • Isabel Opice
  • João Abreu
  • Pedro Drummond
  • Victor Souza
  • Get to know our team
Isabel Opice
Isabel Opice

Co-founder and Chief Operating Officer at ImpulsoGov. Masters in International Development at Harvard University; Worked in the São Paulo State Government and in the Ayrton Senna Institute

João Abreu
João Abreu

Co-founder and executive-director at ImpulsoGov. Masters in International Development at Harvard University; Worked in the São Paulo City Hall and in the Harvard Government Performance Lab.

Pedro Drummond
Pedro Drummond

Product Director at ImpulsoGov. He has a Production Engineering degree from UFMG, was Product and Marketing Director at the Brazilian game start-up Wildlife Studios and had experience in Gradus and Accenture management consultancies.

Victor Souza
Victor Souza

Technology Director at ImpulsoGov. Graduated in Computer Science from UNESP, with experience in strategy and technology consulting at McKinsey & Company and Accenture.

Conheça Toda a Equipe
Get to know our team

"The support from Impulso created a constructive way of working in our team. The tools implemented by them, such as the data systems about COVID-19, vaccines and Previne Brasil, helped us to save a lot of time from our work."

Simone Netto Mônego, Head of the Strategic Planning Team

Secretary of Health of Cachoeira do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul

"The mapping tools for primary healthcare have always been a dream for our team, and Impulso Gov made it come true."

Francisca Ponte, Coordinator of the Primary Healthcare Team

Bezerros, Pernambuco

"Some members of Impulso Gov were part of the committee that was responsible for delivering data for our state's administration during the COVID-19 crisis. Their guidance helped us to make the best decisions in such a challenging time."

Leany Lemos, Planning Secretary

Rio Grande do Sul State Government

"The support from Impulso created a constructive way of working in our team. The tools implemented by them, such as the data systems about COVID-19, vaccines and Previne Brasil, helped us to save a lot of time from our work."

Simone Netto Mônego, Head of the Strategic Planning Team

Secretary of Health of Cachoeira do Sul, Rio Grande do Sul

"The mapping tools for primary healthcare have always been a dream for our team, and Impulso Gov made it come true."

Francisca Ponte, Coordinator of the Primary Healthcare Team

Bezerros, Pernambuco

"Some members of Impulso Gov were part of the committee that was responsible for delivering data for our state's administration during the COVID-19 crisis. Their guidance helped us to make the best decisions in such a challenging time."

Leany Lemos, Planning Secretary

Rio Grande do Sul State Government

Denis Mizne

Denis Mizne

CEO at Lemann Foundation

Giovanni Salum

Giovanni Salum

Senior Director of Global Programs at the Child Mind Institute.

Joice Toyota

Joice Toyota

Executive Director at Motriz

Márcia Castro

Márcia Castro

Head of the Department of Global Health and Population at Harvard University’s School of Public Health

Paulo Chapchap

Paulo Chapchap

Medical Director of the Institute for Health Policy Studies (IEPS)

Vitor Olivier

Vitor Olivier

CTO at Nubank